Excellent piece, Carl. Enjoyed the read. Do you believe there is a threshold where government involvement/pressure can change this as a black-and-white legal position?

1 - Twitter is a private company and has every right to limit tweets in any way it wishes.

If so, do you think what Twitter Files has revealed potentially crosses that threshold? That is the aspect of this so many people are leaving out, IMO. The idea of "state action", which absolutely can take place using a private company as a conduit.

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Dec 13, 2022Liked by HistoryBoomer

For decades, conservatives have been complaining about a "liberal media," and I always dismissed it. Only in the past couple of years have I started to concede that they may have a point.

Doesn't mean I'm going to start voting GOP. I know where my values lie. But man, the echo chamber effect really messed up all of us across the spectrum.

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Twitter doesn't really have the right to selectively apply political bias in how they curate content as long as they enjoy the privilege of being shielded from the kinds of liabilities that go along with being a content publisher rather than a platform.

And the whole point of the Hunter Biden laptop was the 10% "for the big guy", of course Biden himself was implicated.

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deletedDec 13, 2022·edited Dec 13, 2022
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