The Eastern world, it is explodin' Violence flarin', bullets loadin'… … But you tell me Over and over and over again, my friend How you don't believe We're on the eve of destruction — “Eve Of Destruction” by Barry McGuire Back in June, The Atlantic published a nicely terrifying article
Tracy reminds me of some sad Greek mythical character, doomed to only smugly point out the failings in any position or situation. "The glass is 0.01% empty, loser!", "The glass is 99.9% empty, loser"... He refuses to ever commit to a position in reality, as that means committing to something that is never pure, and opens his choice to the same smug criticism.
For those of us worried about frizzy hair after a nuclear explosion, it's worth noting that
"Health authorities warn against using hair conditioner when showering or washing after a nuclear explosion. Rather than washing away radioactive materials, conditioners can trap them in the hair and prevent it from rinsing out easily." - Forbes magazine
“After years of interfering with Ukraine’s internal affairs, including his 2014 occupation of Crimea and the Donbas” Your attempt at even handed analysis ended at this sentence. Absurd to reference context when you elide the obvious and well known context of 2014. Namely, the western led coup and the continuous shelling of the Donbas by the Ukrainian state. Any analysis that doesn’t include the notion that it might be rational for Russia not to want a hostile foreign power pulling the strings next door is hopelessly one sided. Fine if you wan to convince someone of something, less fine if you’re pretending to convey the reality of the situation.
Obviously. But by ignoring it - not dealing with the fact there is a different point of view with its own arguments - you do the precise thing you complain about. Not persuasive.
Excellent analysis... much better than your shocking takes on food. (edited for typo)
Tracy reminds me of some sad Greek mythical character, doomed to only smugly point out the failings in any position or situation. "The glass is 0.01% empty, loser!", "The glass is 99.9% empty, loser"... He refuses to ever commit to a position in reality, as that means committing to something that is never pure, and opens his choice to the same smug criticism.
For those of us worried about frizzy hair after a nuclear explosion, it's worth noting that
"Health authorities warn against using hair conditioner when showering or washing after a nuclear explosion. Rather than washing away radioactive materials, conditioners can trap them in the hair and prevent it from rinsing out easily." - Forbes magazine
Well that's some funky info!
“After years of interfering with Ukraine’s internal affairs, including his 2014 occupation of Crimea and the Donbas” Your attempt at even handed analysis ended at this sentence. Absurd to reference context when you elide the obvious and well known context of 2014. Namely, the western led coup and the continuous shelling of the Donbas by the Ukrainian state. Any analysis that doesn’t include the notion that it might be rational for Russia not to want a hostile foreign power pulling the strings next door is hopelessly one sided. Fine if you wan to convince someone of something, less fine if you’re pretending to convey the reality of the situation.
We disagree on 2014.
Obviously. But by ignoring it - not dealing with the fact there is a different point of view with its own arguments - you do the precise thing you complain about. Not persuasive.