Thank god for patriots like Benny Johnson.
How it went down
“Ok, the security perimeter is set.”
“But sir, what about that building over there? Nobody is on the roof.”
“It’s fine, Jenkins. We’ll leave it that way.”
“Sir, it’s not safe. What if some lone-wolf loser kid who surfs the web for porn and nearby politicians decides it’s the perfect platform to go out in a blaze of glory?”
“Damnit, Jenkins, you’re good. That’s exactly what’s going to happen.”
“Scranton has put out the word. Big Orange has to go.”
“Well, if you say so sir. My oath to Scranton supersedes any other duty.”
“Good boy, Jenkins.”
“But sir, won’t the other agents notice?”
“All 100 of them have been given their orders. They’ll stand down until he opens fire on the Cheeto, then we’ll snuff the kid.”
“The local cops?”
“Klaus Schwab wired a million to each of their bank accounts. They’ll look the other way.”
“How did we get the kid to take the job?”
“We promised him a lifetime PornHub account.”
“But is that young kid a good enough shot?”
“Not a chance. That’s why the real shooter is a trained Seal Team Six sniper waiting inside the same building.”
“And what happens if Big Orange moves his head an inch?”
“Jesus Jenkins! We can’t plan for everything! If Orange moves, the whole tamale goes up in smoke. I just hope Bret Weinstein doesn’t find out about this. That dude sees through all our plans!”
Wait, there’s more
Not convinced?
Here’s the video Benny Johnson1 posted:
Who is Chris Martenson, the “PhD” in the video who claims that two shooters are CONFIRMED?
Chris earned a PhD in neurotoxicology from Duke University, and an MBA from Cornell University. A fellow of the Post Carbon Institute, Chris’s work has appeared on PBS and been cited by the Washington Post. He is a contributor to
When asked on Twitter about his lack of relevant experience, Chris shot down questioner.
So there you have it folks. A neurotoxicologist who has an economics YouTube channel has offered us definitive ballistics proof on the Trump shooting cover-up.2
Johnson is a far-right influencer and spreader of conspiracy theories. “In July 2014, BuzzFeed found 41 instances of plagiarism in Johnson's writings, comprising almost ten percent of his work. He was subsequently fired from BuzzFeed and apologized for the plagiarism.”
The artist behind the Trump painting is Scott LoBaido.
I have bombastic proof there were 12 shooters and it was actually 12 rounds that passed through Trump's ear one after another at super-hypersonic speed. The shooters were that good. I'll post the video as soon as my son gives me my VHS camera back 😉😎🤠😁